Gator Updates for Week of July 2nd
Practice: normal practice times Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri. NO PRACTICE ON WEDNESDAY JULY 4TH.
Next Swim Meet: Saturday, July 7th @ Applewood Knolls. Sign up sheets will be available until Friday 7/6 at practice.
Practice: normal practice times Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri. NO PRACTICE ON WEDNESDAY JULY 4TH.
Next Swim Meet: Saturday, July 7th @ Applewood Knolls. Sign up sheets will be available until Friday 7/6 at practice.
Posted by
9:34:00 AM
Male Swimmer of the Week: Dominic Anderson
Dominic gives it his all in every event he does, something the coaches really admire. In practice he is never afraid to move to a faster lane or lead his peers through the set. This paid off at the Ken Caryl meet where he raced hard, did well in his events, and held an important position in the relays. Way to go Dominic!
Female Swimmer of the Week: Megan Cooper
Megan really showed up at the meets this weekend! Despite swimming only the 400 at Ken Caryl, she stayed for the entire upper division session to cheer on her teammates and filled a relay spot when another swimmer was missing. Then on Sunday Megan branched out from distance free and competed in the Pentathlon and was a trooper through the very difficult event. Nice job Megan!
Posted by
2:35:00 PM
For those that are going to Waterworld, I have uploaded a map with the general area that Gator families meet up, drop their bags, return for lunch, etc. We usually meet at the picnic tables/pavilion area that is above the big wave pool. I have tried to circle it on the map, but it doesn't show it very well. It will be more clear when you get to the park and are in the general area.
Click here for map
Ticket Information is on the right side of the blog, along with the site password to get the team discount.
Posted by
1:00:00 PM
Practice is cancelled Monday due to the amount of swim meets this weekend. The coaches have earned a break after attending four meets Friday-Sunday! -- Wednesday is picture and pancake day, so you will be in your team suit for the picture, but won't need to get in the water.
Posted by
5:51:00 AM
Just a reminder; no official upper division practice tomorrow morning due to the Ken Caryl meet. There is an optional practice at 8am and night practice tonight if people are looking for an extra workout/technique session.
Posted by
3:41:00 PM
Hi Parents,
Please sign up to volunteer at the Ken Caryl Meet, the Pentathlon and/or the C/D Meet. We are required to have timers at all meets and 1 Official (at the C/D Meet). All links are active on the right side of the blog for each event and are waiting for your name to be entered. THANK YOU :)
Posted by
3:38:00 PM
GMSC is looking to hire a few more guards. Specifically guards that can work through the end of the season, Labor Day. If you are interested please contact Shannon Baker (303.903.7041)
Posted by
6:00:00 AM
Posted by
6:00:00 PM
Hello Gators! I am finally getting around to posting the swim buddies so here they are.
Anastasia - Scarlett
Kati - Maddie
Taryn - Leah F
Kayla - Whitney
Emma N - Taetum
Marie - Lexi B
Lea G - Charlize
Emma B - Izzy
Megan - Teagan
Olivia - Mia, Lucy V
Lexi M - Kamiree
Anna - Jessa
Alia - Lily B
Lucille - Jensen
Maddy M - Lily S
Lexi L - Neva
Camille - Anisa
Brooke - Beth
Sammy - Taylor
Kimya - Addy
Will L - Everett, Ben S
Nathan - Nick
John - Dominic
Keagan - Kai
Brett - Charles
Harry - David, Jake S
Jack - Jakey
Kaden - Owen
Willam K - Eli
Riley - Noah
Posted by
11:57:00 AM
- Our 2nd Intrasquad is on Wednesday night. All swimmers have until the end of practice on Wednesday to sign up. -- PIZZA!!! We will be selling pizza and soda at the intrasqaud meet. YUM!
- The Ken Caryl Invitational is on Friday/Saturday. Please check the blog later in the week for individual time entries and parent volunteer needs. We are still waiting to hear from the Meet organizers for final details.
- The C/D Meet is on Sunday: Swimmers have until Thursday at end of practice to sign up for this meet. It is an online sign up (right side of blog). We will need 4 timers and 1 official for this meet. Please sign up to help if you are attending.
- The Pentathlon is also on Sunday: Swimmers have until Thursday at end of practice to sign up for this meet. It is an online sign up (right side of blog). Please check back for parent volunteer needs. We are still waiting to hear from the Meet organizers for final details.
- Next week on Wednesday, June 27th: Pictures, Pancakes and WaterWorld Day! More info to come soon, but please know that in lieu of practice we will have team and individual pictures, along with a pancake breakfast for all swimmers. For those who want to join us, we will then head up to WaterWorld for a day of fun. We will have a discount link posted soon for tickets, along with meet up details.
Posted by
9:19:00 AM
Swimmers of the Week (week of 6/11/18)
Female Swimmer of the Week: Camille Anderson
Camille was a champion of lane four this week, keeping on track with the intervals and completing the sets with her best effort. She consistently practices excellent technique and is a great example for her teammates. She crushed it at the meet, posting great times in the relays and her individuals and always followed any advice we gave her. Nice job Camille!
Male Swimmer of the Week: Everett Tompkins
Everett has been an excellent role model in the smaller 9-10 practice. He keeps up with the intervals and doesn't mess around when he is supposed to be swimming, giving it his all in every set. This showed in the meet when he dropped lots of time in his 50 back and 100 free. Also, everyone should be like Everett and come ask for advice before and after their races! Way to go Everett!
Posted by
2:34:00 PM
The City of Lakewood is finishing up a paving job on Union. The parking lots will be closed on Monday 6/18. Please use the upper grass lot for swim practice. Thanks!
Posted by
8:00:00 PM
We have a TON going on the next two weeks. Please read through and start planning. Many of these events require action on your part to sign up.
Saturday, June 16th: GMST v. Gennesse @ GMSC -- this is our last home meet for about a month. Genesse is small team, so the meet should end earlier than our previous meets. Your child has until the end of practice on Friday to sign up. Also, Gennese has requested a fun parent/coach relay in the middle of the meet. We are in need of 1 or 2 parents to step up and help us with this! Please email Danielle if interested.
Wednesday, June 20th: Instrasquad #2 @ GMSC -- sign up sheets will be put up for this event on Monday 6/18 and will be taken down Wednesday 6/20 after practice.
Friday/Saturday, June 22/23: Ken Caryl Invitational Meet -- your child must qualify for this meet by getting Qualifying Times up to and during the Saturday meet against Gennesse. Click on Qualifying Athletes to see list of who has qualified thus far. If your child is able to swim, Ethan must know by the end of the meet against Gennesse. We will submit all names at the end of Saturday. There will be no changes to add/scratch after this. No exceptions. -- Details for event will be on right side of blog.
Sunday, June 24th: C/D Meet -- all swimmers with C, D or "no time" in an event may attend this event and swim. All entries must be submitted by Thursday 6/21 at 7am. You can sign up here or on the right side of the blog.
Sunday, June 24th: Pentathalon @ AAC -- This meet is for swimmers who have a B or better qualifying time in 3 of the following 5 events: freestyle, back stroke, breast stroke, butterfly and/or IM. If your swimmer wants to participate they will swim all 5 events (freestyle, back stroke, breast stroke, butterfly and IM) at this meet. All entries must be submitted by Thursday 6/21 at 7am. You may sign up for this meet here or on the right side of the blog.
Monday, June 25th: Practice is cancelled. The coaches have earned a day off and your swimmers have earned an "active recovery day". Let them sleep in and run free :)
Posted by
4:45:00 PM
Due to an event at the pool on Thursday, night practice will be switched to tonight for those interested.
Posted by
3:28:00 PM
Hello Parents. We will be having a coach/parent relay during the meet against Gennesse. It’s super fun and will take place right before the Freestyle relays start. It will also be a chance to cool off during a very hot day! Please contact Danielle if you are interested.
Posted by
9:07:00 AM
Hello Gators it is time to announce our first swimmers of the week!! (Swimmers are chosen for the week previous to the post).
Female Swimmer of the Week: Taryn McGraw
Taryn was a dream to have at practice and meets as she was consistent in doing what was expected of her and even more. She was always on time for warm-ups and gave it her all in the sets, even the many hard ones. In meets and practice, she often asks for tips on how to improve her technique and then practices improving regularly. She brings her best attitude to all events and even makes the coach's job easier by volunteering to pull lane ropes. Great work Taryn!
Male Swimmer of the Week: Devon Garls
Devon is new to the Gators this year and we are so glad to have him! Without question he took the role of leading the fastest lane in his practice and continues to keep them on pace and working hard. He is quite the powerhouse in races as well. He brings his all to individuals and relays and blows people out of the water, especially in the butterfly, all with a very modest and composed attitude (Look for him at our next meets and you'll see what we mean). Keep it up Devon!
Posted by
1:11:00 PM
If you want to be an official this year, Tuesday is your last chance to receive the training. The clinic will be held at the Stingrays pool (6th Ave West Pool - 400 Holman Way) in Golden with the lecture starting at 5pm and the in-water demo starting at 6:15pm. Returning officials only need to attend the lecture once a year. All new officials need to attend both the lecture and in-water demo. If you have any questions, please contact Dave.
Posted by
7:32:00 AM
Green Mountain Swim Club is now offering a water safety class! If you would like to work as a swim assistant, you must be 10 years old and take this class.
The first class is scheduled and will be held on the following days/times:
June 11-14th from 10-10:40am
June 15th 10-11:15am (test day)
Cost of the class is $40 for all GMSC members and Swim Team members ($45 cost for all other participants)
Payment is due at the first class
Sign up today by emailing
Limit 6 kids for this class
Posted by
4:49:00 PM
You have until 2pm on Saturday to sign up for the Freestyle Frenzy. Please use the "swimmer sign up" link on the right side of the blog.
Freestyle Frenzy: We have a meet on Sunday that is a fundraiser for our swim team (all times are official and do count towards league and state). Your child must have a "B" time or better in one of the freestyle disciplines (400 free, 200 free, 100 free, 50 free or 25 free) to qualify. Please check your results times from the Instrasquad and the 5Parks meet against the FSA Qual Times sheet. Your child can also qualify during the AAC meet on Saturday. If your child does not have a B time, then it is at the discretion of the coahes if they think they are close enough in time to do it. Questions can be directed to the coaches.
Posted by
8:30:00 PM
The Swim Club is having movie night tonight, so we won't be able to have night practice. Enjoy your night off :)
Posted by
4:13:00 PM
Hi Parents. We are needing to shift practice times again. The coaches are working hard to manage our swimmers and make sure that they all have enough space to swim hard and be safe. We will start on Monday, June 11th with the new practice times. If you want to start today... go for it! If you have any questions, please see Coach Ethan.
6:30 am - 8:00 am: age 13 and older - same
8:00 am - 9:00 am: age 11-12 - change
9:00 am - 9:50 am: age 10 and under - change
Posted by
6:00:00 AM
Posted by
10:30:00 AM
Attention all parents:
Posted by
7:00:00 AM
Please note the Saturday meet against Applewood Athletic has been moved to our pool. AAC is still going to "host" the meet which means that they will run the heating shed, computer results table, concessions, etc but will do this from our pool. We will not need to "staff up" our volunteers like a normal home meet, but we still need a small bit of help like at our away meets. The GMSC Pool Board was kind enough to give us the pool until 11:00 am on Saturday because of our emergency situation of not having somewhere to swim on Saturday. A HUGE thanks!! However, this does mean that we might have to cut relays from the event and/or go down to two events per swimmer. Please have your swimmer sign up as usual for the meet (3 events and relays if they want) and understand that some of this might get cut. The schedule of events will be set before the meet starts and there will be no deck entries on the day of the meet. Thanks for being so understanding and please say thank you to any pool board member that you might run into!
Posted by
6:33:00 PM
We are trying to determine if our tradition of having Big Buddies (upper division) cheer, mentor and encourage Little Buddies (lower divisions) is a possibility this year. The coaches have reached out to your kids to see if they would like to do it. Please let your child know to talk to their coach if they are interested. Thanks.
Posted by
6:06:00 PM
Night practices for upper division only will start this week.
Tuesdays/Thursdays from 8:00pm-9:00pm
Text Ethan if you plan to attend. (720) 335-4894
Posted by
7:45:00 AM
As discussed at the parent meeting, here are the updated age groups for practice starting on Monday, 4 June. If you need to practice in another session for any reason, see Ethan for approval. Please adhere to this schedule so that our kids have sufficient lane space.
6:30 am - 8:00 am: age 13 and older
8:00 am - 9:00 am: age 10-12
9:00 am - 9:50 am: age 9 and under
Posted by
9:44:00 AM
The league added some additional training on Sunday June 3 at 2:30 pm at GMRC (lecture only) and Tuesday June 12 5:00 pm at Stingrays (both lecture, then water demo at 6:15 pm). If you're interested, please attend one of these sessions. We can always do additional training on deck at a swim meet.
Posted by
9:36:00 AM
Meet Volunteers: Thank you to everyone who volunteered at the meet on Saturday, especially those who double volunteered to fill in the gaps!! As a reminder, every family needs to volunteer/sign up for at least one shift at every meet that you attend. If your kid is there, you need to be helping. We can't do it without you. Seriously, we can't do it without your help.
Saturday Meet vs. AAC: We will be swimming at the Applewood Athletic pool on Saturday. Apparently they are having some construction done on a new shed that will effect both where we can sit/setup and whether or not they have electricity. We may be going old school with candlelit bathrooms and paper only time keeping. Results may not be posted on race day, so please be patient. And if they tell you to sit somewhere else, just smile and say OK.
Freestyle Frenzy: We have a meet on Sunday that is a fundraiser for our swim team (all times are official and do count towards league and state). Your child must have a "B" time or better in one of the freestyle disciplines (400 free, 200 free, 100 free, 50 free or 25 free) to qualify. Please check your results times from the Instrasquad and the 5Parks meet against the FSA Qual Times sheet. If your child does not have a B time, then it is at the discretion of the coahes if they think they might get a B time at the AAC meet. Questions can be directed to the coaches.
Posted by
6:58:00 AM
Posted by
5:00:00 PM