Come Get Your Stuff From Your Swimmer Folder!
Please stop by the pool and pick up all of your State ribbons and/or medals, along with any other ribbons, photos or Top Times sheets that you haven't picked up yet from earlier in the season.
Please stop by the pool and pick up all of your State ribbons and/or medals, along with any other ribbons, photos or Top Times sheets that you haven't picked up yet from earlier in the season.
Posted by
8:51:00 PM
If your swimmer is going to the State Meet please check the volunteer time slots for the event. PLEASE NOTE: The organizers have done a strange thing and listed the timing slots by event, not by the hour of the day. I have asked for 2 timers per slot so that they can split the shift. Please speak with the person that is signed up with you and decide who will go first. Thanks in advance for your help!
Posted by
4:07:00 PM
Hello Gator Families. Please join us at 5:30pm tonight for our annual team banquet. IF YOU HAVE A POP UP TENT, P,LEASE BRING IT! We had a wonderful banquet last year in the pouring rain and it looks like we might have the same this year. We look forward to seeing your family tonight and celebrating another successful Gator season.
Posted by
8:42:00 AM
Posted by
2:03:00 PM
Posted by
11:36:00 AM
Night practice will be canceled tonight due to a teen night at the pool. Reminder upper division tomorrow at 7, 400 swimmers at 8, and the lower division at the regular practice time.
Posted by
6:01:00 PM
Here is information you should know about the Gator movie night.
Posted by
10:52:00 PM
This is just a reminder that swim practice this week is only for swimmers who are swimming at the League meet this weekend. These practices are at the regularly scheduled time.
All swimmer families should continue to check the blog as we will have information about the movie night this Wednesday and our banquet next Wednesday.
Posted by
4:42:00 PM
POOL UPDATE: The pool is filled, the chemicals are being balanced and the temperature is where we need it. However, the water is now green in the deep end of the pool. The water is safe to swim in and we have been given the go-ahead for our meet on Saturday. We will be swimming Rio Olympic-style with a little green colored water on our home turf, The Gator Swamp!
VOLUNTEERS: I could use some help tonight (Friday) setting up for the meet, help on Saturday at the meet, help at the Last Chance Meet (if you are going) and help at Intrasquad. Yep, it's a LOT! Please use the Parent Volunteer tab on the right and sign up for all the fun things you can't wait to do!
Reminder that the Last Chance Meet is being hosted by 5Parks on Sunday. All entries are due by the end of our Saturday meet. You must sign up online to participate. Click here to sign up or go to right side of blog.
Monday 7/16: All swimmers welcome at regular practice times. Instrasquad Monday night. Sign up for events will be posted until after practice on Monday.
Tuesday 7/17- Friday 7/20: practice for League qualifiers only and those individuals who have been asked to be on a relay team for League. Practice will remain at standard times
Monday 7/23-Friday 7/27: practice for State qualifiers only and those individuals who have been asked to be on a relay team for State. Stay tuned for practice times. They may shift slightly due to the lower number of swimmers.
Posted by
8:24:00 AM
The pool had to be completely drained and will not be available through Friday. Here's what we are doing:
PRACTICE: Wednesday/Thursday from 3-5pm @ Green Mountain Rec Center (3-4pm lower division / 4-5 pm upper divsion) -- FRIDAY: Dryland practice at GMSC (7-8 am: upper, 8-9am 11-12 year olds, 9-10am 10 and unders)
INTRASQUAD: Has been moved to Monday 7/16 @ 5:30pm. We have gotten an extension for League entries due to our pool emergency. This last Intrasquad will count towards League and State Qualifications.
MOUNT VERNON MEET ON SATURDAY 7/14: WE have contacted MV and asked them if they can host our Saturday meet as a back up if our pool is not ready. Everything is TBD on this event so please check the blog for updates.
Thank you in advance for your patience and flexibility as we work through all these events. The GMSC Board is doing everything they can, as quickly as they can to get us back in the water.
Posted by
4:47:00 PM
Male Swimmer of the Week: David Neuroth
David may not be the fastest in practice but he is a hard worker. He pushes his way through all the sets and keeps a very positive attitude, he is always smiling! This work payed off at the AK meet when David toughened up and swam the butterfly leg in the medley relay, allowing his teammates a chance to compete. He also got 3rd place in the individual butterfly event and had a fantastic breaststroke swim later in the day. Fantastic job David!
Female Swimmer of the Week: Jensen Wehri
Jensen was a fantastic swimmer at practice, as always, and did very well at AK. She is always ready to take on the next set no matter how hard making her a valuable addition to lane one. At the meet Jensen posted very respectable times in the butterfly and breaststroke and showed her mastery off all the strokes when she dropped a second and qualified for state in the IM! Keep up the great work Jensen!
Posted by
3:20:00 PM
Hey Gators! The Pool Board has decided to close the pool at 6pm on Monday night and through the entirety of Tuesday in order to fix the murky water in the pool. They tested the chemicals in the pool today and although they are safe to swim in, the murkiness makes it unsafe to use the deep end. They need to fix this issue to legally remain open and provide the highest level of safety for all members.
7:00 am - 8:00 am: Upper Division Practice
8:00 am - 9:00 am: 11-12 year olds
9:00 am - 10:00 am: 10 and unders
Wear: workout gear and tennis shoes. No swimsuits needed.
Bring: water to drink and a kick-butt gator attitude
Posted by
4:10:00 PM
Hey Parents! It is a Gator tradition to have a coaches relay and a parent relay at the last Intrasquad of the season. WE NEED YOU! Please bring your suit, check in with Danielle and you will be assigned a relay team. Your kids will have a chance to cheer you on and it's really fun!
Posted by
5:00:00 AM
We can't believe that we are nearing the end of our summer swim season! It has been great to get to know new gator families and to reconnect with our legacy gator families. Swim Team families are the best!
Practice: Welcome to Gator Week! This is traditionally the hardest week of workouts for swimmers (the coaches LOVE this week!) and the last week of swimming for those swimmers that don't qualify for League or State.
Intrasquad Wednesday 7/11: This is our last intrasquad and swimmers can qualify for League/State at this meet. Event sign ups will be posted from Monday - Wednesday morning.
GMST v. MV Saturday 7/14: This is our last home meet and swimmers can still qualify for League/State. Show up and swim fast! Event sign ups will be posted from Wednesday night - Friday morning.
Last Chance Meet Sunday 7/15: For those swimmers who need one "last chance" to qualify for League or State, please sign up for this meet. It is hosted at 5Parks and the sign up link is on the right side of the blog. You must sign up online no later than 11am on Saturday (after the Mount Vernon home meet) and pick your races in order to swim at this meet.
League Swim Meet: If your swimmer qualifies for League, then they will be practicing at the regularly scheduled practice times the week of 7/16. If your swimmer did not qualify, then they are free for the rest of the summer to sleep in :) All League info will be on the right side of the blog and all event entries are due by Monday 7/16. Please speak with the coaches about which events you will be swimming.
State Swim Meet: If your swimmer qualifies for State, then they will be practicing the week of 7/23. Please check the blog as swim practice times might be shifted this week due to the lower number of swimmers.
Team Movie Night: This fun event is for swim team only (but of course we will let sibling sneak in) and it is hosted at 8pm after the pool closes. We will provide popcorn and water. Your swimmer can bring a blanket/pillow, snacks and be in their pajamas if they want. We will not be getting in the water. This is a dry land event and just a fun way to wind down the summer swim season with their swim friends. You are welcome to drop your swimmers off and pick them back up at 10pm.
Team Banquet: This is our BIG end of the year banquet. We get the pool grounds all to ourselves and will honor all the hard work our swimmers and coaches put in this year. This is a potluck event and the coaches even get all dressed up for us. We hope you can make it!!
Posted by
5:00:00 PM
Here is the link to the playlist!! Click here then follow the playlist to add 1 or 2 songs!
Posted by
8:14:00 AM