2010 FSA Division II League Champions

Welcome to the Gator blog! All things swim team are posted here.


Gator Feast


I think I am more impressed than tired, and that is saying a lot. The weekend started out on a great note with the meet against AAC. I am not only proud of all the swimmers who swam great and only lost to AAC by 11 points, but I am also proud to say that once again the Gator parents demonstrated how smooth a big meet can go. I can't believe how fast we were out of there yesterday, a BIG thank you to all who helped.

Next I have to say I have never seen such a great performance at the pentathlon than the one I saw today. I special congratulations to second place over all finishers Kim, Inez, Ethan, and Ianna and to all third place finishers Olivia and Alex, (Note Alex took off 15 seconds in a his 50 Fly (that is not a typo 15 seconds) ). I would also like to congratulate all the other swimmers, there are too many to name who swam great and most of them made top six over all.

This weeks schedule
Monday: Regular Practice (Note even pentathlon swimmers should try and come)
Tuesday: Pictures and Pancakes followed by Water World
Wednesday: No Practice
Thursday: No Morning Practice, there will be night practice from 8-9pm
Friday: Regular practice

Coach Rich

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I click on the results link to AAC@GM, it won't work - can you repost?